Tuesday, August 31, 2010

San Cristobal

San Cristobal was BEauTiful!
It wasn't too hot and it got nice and cool at night.
The streets were paved with bricks and the buildings were nice.

We started the day being immersed into the culture.

We watched this woman weave
And this woman showed us how she made tortillas by hand

They were delicious
Then we drove further into the town and walked around the streets

The people here were Maya
Then we had some free time, so a couple of us grabbed a taxi and went up to San Juan Chamula. This was the craziest of all the churches we visited. It was the only one where we could not bring our cameras into. (Some tourists have been put in jail for taking pictures inside)

Inside this church there were no pews. Instead they lay pine needles all over the floor and people will go in and bring their form of sacrifices to offer up. These sacrifices were very different than what you might be thinking though.
When we walked in we saw people kneeling on the ground, they would light candles and put them all around themselves, and then they would pull out sacrifices such as eggs, coca-cola, or even a dead chicken. They would begin to chant something in Mayan very loudly and give their offering. The reason they would bring coca-cola, or other soda bottles, is because they believe that burping is good, because it expels evil spirits from your body and sends them to heaven. When we walked in we saw one lady who had brought a dead chicken and when she took it out of her purse she snapped its neck and that was how she sent that sacrifice up.
This was a very interesting experience and it was really cool to see it all in person.

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