Friday, January 23, 2009

Riding Dirty

I would just like to start by saying thank you to Jessie White for once again taking my license away from me. It is true, cops hate me. I swear I drive like a grandma, ask my roommates! Four speeding tickets within four years is not even that many! This time my license has been suspended for 6 months and if I get caught driving within those 6 months I will be arrested, so this is just me practicing my mug shots. Anybody willing to bail me out incase they catch me riding dirty (haha Ryan you were right I guess I am a DGL)? Just kidding mom, I promise I won't drive...but it might be nice to get a new pair of shoes for all the walking I'm going to have to do!

This was me right before mailing my license to the stupid Illinois secretary of state. I needed an appropriate good-bye.


elizabeth, eliza, liza, liz, elles, etc. said...

oh goodness.

brandilyn said...

hahaha courtney this is my favorite post you've done so far. i love your picture. your father (dave) and i will bail you out of jail the first time, but you're gonna have to spend 1 night in the slammer to think about what you've done, okay young lady?

brandilyn said...
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Jill said...

Oh, sister... That. Sucks. Let me give you some advice on behalf of my beloved husband: Stop getting tickets right now. Because when you get married and you are paying an actual car payment's worth of insurance premiums each month, your spouse will be sad. (P.S. You will get your license back right about the time I pop out my baby, so we'll both have something to look forward to in July!)