Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Here are some of my current obsessions.

First, I would call this more of an addiction...I loove this show!

Right now I am still catching up to this season. I am finishing up season 5 and it has gotten very intense. I love going and renting them one disk at a time and staying up all night watching all four episodes. I have one more disk to go and I am not sure if I want to finish it already. I don't know if I'm ready to go to watching only one episode every week.

Next, I have been completely obsessed with shoes lately. Whenever I see a good pair that I want, I feel like I NEED them! If I could go on a shoe shopping spree, that would probably make me the happiest person in the world. Whenever I am having a bad day I seriously will go shoe shopping and not even buy any shoes. Just merely looking at them makes me feel happier...oh how I wish I could drop 120 dollars on these...

And lastly, I've really been in love with this song lately. I get very excited when they play them at work, the Beatles make work so much better.

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