Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Weekend in McCall

As promised, I finally have an update for everyone! I know you have all been waiting long and anxiously for this so I hope you enjoy!
So this past weekend Kristyne and I decided to take a little vaca away from Rexburg. Thursday night we drove up to Boise and stayed the night at her house then Friday afternoon we left with a few of her friends to go up to McCall. Her friend Brady has a cabin up there so we decided to go have some fun. Friday night when we finally got up there we just hung out, went to dinner, watched a movie, went hot tubing, and made some milkshakes. Then Saturday we slept in pretty late, woke up and went out to play in the snow. We did some sledding and four wheeling. It was alot of fun. That night we drove back to Boise and went to a Boise State basketball game and apparently they put Kristyne and I on the big screen! Too bad we were too busy talking and laughing to even see ourselves up there. After the game we hung out some more and watched another movie. On Sunday we woke up and went to church with Kristyne's family and went back to her house to have a nice home cooked meal before we made our long trip back to Rexburg. It was a fun little get away and we can't wait to go back to McCall in the summer to have even more fun!

Me just loving the long drive up to McCall stuck in between two sleepy boys.

The Cabin

Making milkshakes and eating suckers

Me and Kristyne just loving life
The view across the lake
This is soo carefully....
Bam! Nice crash
Getting pulled by the snow mobile
The BSU game! I loved it!
So much fun!

1 comment:

brandilyn said...

wow courtney you are jut so so so sexy!! so fun!