...and one of our favorite experiences from the trip
It started with a very long, windy bus trip up this very narrow mountain. At this point we had taken some long, windy trips before, but this was very scary because when you looked out the window you couldn't even see the edge of the road because we were that close! Every time we turned a corner it felt like we were flying off the edge of the mountain.
We watched out the window as we kept going further and further up this mountain, we realized that the higher we got the more traditional the people living there looked. They were Maya people, dressed in very traditional Maya clothing, living in little straw huts.

After many twists and turns up this mountain we finally arrived at our destination, which was a school in the middle of this town. We brought with us backpacks, sweaters, and dental supplies to pass out to the kids.

The kids were beyond excited to see so many white Americans at their school. It was weird to think that to them we looked different; everything about us was different, even the way we dressed was different and at the same time we thought everything about them was different.

We passed out all the stuff we brought for them

And then we got to walk around and meet some of the little kids.
They were soo adorably cute!

And we made some friends

And they loved getting their pictures taken!

This was a really cool and humbling experience for all of us!